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In reality, the position is - nowhere much. Because of the credit crunch/recession St. Modwen were not in a position to proceed, so in 2009 Arun District Council agreed to place the Development Agreement in ‘suspended animation’ until 2012, subject to six-monthly review. And that’s where it remained until the end of that year.
Bognor Regis Civic Society has repeatedly said that that period was an ideal opportunity for extensive consultation. A major company like St. Modwen has the resources to produce a wide range of ideas and illustrations so that the public can express their views on what they do and don’t like. A consensus could be arrived at, and when the financial situation allows we could hit the ground running with no wasted time. We called for Arun to hold a series of public debates on the various aspects of regeneration in order to commence this process.
Arun refused to do this. St. Modwen claimed they were revising their plans and would show them in due course, but there was no indication as to when this would be. All we knew is they said they were abandoning the 32 storey tower. But did that mean no tower? Or a 31 storey tower? – No information. So, in essence, the whole process appeared to be completely stalled.
Meanwhile, Arun continued to claim that the town was being regenerated because Butlins had built their new hotels, the University was expanding, the Community College was rebuilding, some new flats had been built on the seafront and Sainsbury’s was coming. Sorry Arun, you’ve missed the point. That was fine, but it was just various organisations developing their businesses, not regeneration. If you’re in doubt, Arun District Council, (and you clearly are because Richard McMann has publicly admitted that he hasn’t a clue what regeneration is!) please click here and read again the true meaning of regeneration.
Our Regis Centre site proposal has been developed further. We wish to see an iconically attractive building with lots of glass to provide an exciting and interesting all-weather, all-year round attraction for all ages of residents and visitors alike. We have particular special attractions in mind, not available anywhere nearby, and the building will also contain an improved theatre, bowling, skating, shops, restaurants, cafes, exhibition and performance areas for art/street theatre/music etc.,children’s play areas, sea view/coffee balconies and much more besides.
We believe this will provide an attraction, particularly with the special attractions we envisage, that will bring large numbers of new visitors to the town from a wide radius on a repeat basis, and will also provide a powerful local focus which will be especially popular with young people. This will serve to bring new money into the town, and new and better shops will automatically follow the new money, as has been repeatedly seen elsewhere.
We are currently working on the plans, illustrations and publicity material for this proposal, and as soon as these are ready we will be presenting our ideas to the public and Councils so that we may receive feedback and comment.
And while this is going on, Bognor Regis Civic Society, together with the Chamber of Commerce and The Business Interchange is calling for Arun District Council to introduce a free parking scheme in the town for residents and shoppers as an immediate move to kick-start regeneration. Find out more about this by clicking on free parking.
What are they? Click on Arun’s latest proposals to find out.
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